Who let the dorks out?

Teh Loldorkiest of them all… SpaceCase Munster! July 23, 2008

WOW you guys! This was such a hard decision! For such a fun and silly contest, we ended up taking the judging waaaaay srsly. No srsly? Srsly, it was so hard, everyone who participated came up with great concepts and all made us roflmao. So thank you thank you THANK YOU guys for taking the time to make a lolcat pic and having fun with this idea. It means a lot to us that so many of you were interested and participated, so thanks so much. In the end there could only be one winner… well sort of. We told you it was hard! So we decided to create an Honorary Loldork position too!

LOLSL blingtard

First of all, SpaceCase Munster made a few lolcats that were all hilarious, but her “Blingtard… ur doin it bright!” pic was the winner! Love the play on a classic lolcat-ian phrase, love the editing and little peak at the Bling! Bling! shirt. SpaceCase, you will recieve 750 lalas, as promised, that we will send to you today in-world.

Dot Lane Has That Natural Glow

Our second runner up and honorary mention is the hilarious loltastic goodness that Dot Lane, of Dot Lane Girl Reporter fame created. The pun on hazmat almost made me pee my pants….srsly… it wasn’t pretty. The concept was clever, simple and hysterical so of course could not go unmentioned. Or unrewarded for that matter! We’ve decided to send a box of goodies Dot’s way filled with funny toys and animations plus 100L for her efforts.

Congrats to both of you gals and thank you everyone for sending in your lolcats. This contest went great in our opinion and you will definitely see more themes and prizes for future contests to come! Muaaaaahs to all of you and keep sending the goods over to our Flickr Group for the Dork of the Week every Monday. 🙂


2 Responses to “Teh Loldorkiest of them all… SpaceCase Munster!”

  1. SpaceCase Munster Says:

    OMG! Whoohoo!Thanks SO much dorkettes!

    And congratulations Dot! Your LOLSL is awesome!

  2. Paulina Oceanlane Says:

    Congratulations to SpaceCase and Dot!! And thanks for all the other entries. Hopefully we will see some more LOLdorks in the future. 🙂

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