Who let the dorks out?

Super Bargain Saturday 25, yo! June 26, 2010

Have you joined the Super-Bargain Saturday event group yet? Well you can do so at the subscriber in any store participating in the event and save big every Saturday. This means BIG DEALS for you every single week from awesome designers. Every Saturday, from 12am-12pm SLT, you get whatever the designer puts out for only 60L. And these are very generous designers, so you won’t want to miss what they have for you. You don’t have to join to reap the rewards, but you will get a list every week with the stores and slurls ahead of time.

Seaside Splash Friends Pose

As of two weeks ago, Super-Bargain Saturday hit Olive Juice, and it’s back again! Since it’s officially summer time in the States, that means beach parties and fun with friends in any world. So I thought this friends pose would be perfect for capturing those fun moments on film. AND, since it’s a SBS release, that means it is only 60L all day today! After midnight tonight, it will go to full price, so grab it on the cheap while you can.

And don’t forget to check out the other great deals at the other Super-Bargain Saturday stores, like my neighbor in Morning Glory, Awesome Blossom. She has the cutest front porch set that includes a rocking chair with 4 custom animations (made by yours truly), side table with tablecloth and accessories. The chair and table are all texture change too, so the options are endless. All that for only 60L today too!

Happy Shopping 🙂

“Every Saturday a group of designers will place an item marked down to 60L in front of their mainstore. The item will be available from 12am SLT on Saturday until 11:59pm SLT on Saturday. All the designers are going to put up a totally new product or something from their store list. Each week we are going to give you the opportunity to discover new and great designers with gorgeous products.”

This week’s designers are:
Olive Juice
Awesome Blossom ::
Tik Tok
.:* LOULOU&CO *:.
>>> moloko >>>


Truth Uber-Sale on NOW! August 16, 2008

Filed under: Clothes,Dorky on a budget,Fashion,Shop till you drop — Bella Baroque @ 5:05 pm
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So there I was yesterday, moseying along and hair shopping at Truth when I noticed all the goods I was haulin in were (drumroll)… 50L for a 3 pack!!!! So naturally I went crazy and decided to do some research as to why it was my lucky day. Well its everyone’s lucky day because Truth is having a Discontinued Sale. Truth Hawk is revamping the store and hair textures, so in the meantime ALL hair, shoes and clothes are for sale at a ginormous discount. I may be the last to know, but if there are 2 or 3 slow learners out there like me, well then I felt the need to post. So here are some shots of the goods, and hurry hurry hurry there. The sale doesn’t have an ending, but all will be lost in the abyss of the grid once Truth decides to release the new stuffs (which is also equally as exciting). So here’s what I bought, now go spend some monies!

Truth’s Website
